Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Onion herb bread

After my husband gave me an idea to make onion bread, I found a recipe in my bread maker recipe book for garlic bread. However, I wanted it to be onion and the only thing in the recipe that was non vegan was parmesan cheese. So I omitted it as well as the garlic and added grated onion. It turned out so well. If you don't have a bread maker you could still do it by hand, just make sure you prove it a few times and knead it well. (If you have dough hooks for your electric mixer they make the job easier).

Here is the recipe:

1 cup water

2 tbs olive oil

1 1/2 tsp salt

3 cups plain flour

2 tsp sugar

1 tsp dried basil

1 tsp dried rosemary

1 tsp black ground peper

2 tsp yeast

3 tbs grated onion

Mix the dry indredients together

Add the wet

Mix together well and knead for about ten minutes until smooth and elastic

set aside in a warm place to rise for an hour.

Knock down and rise again for another hour

Bake in a 190c oven for about an hour. If you lightly tap the base it should sound hollow when its cooked. Serve warm with vegan margerine

(If you have a bread machine a basic programme should work well,but still bake it in the oven).

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