Friday, January 23, 2009

Pasta Bake

It's been a while since my last blog, I've just been so tired due to being pregnant and then having my baby on New Years Day. So there is a back log of cooking to share (I made sure to at least take pictures!).

Pasta Bake.

This recipe was just some cooked pasta mixed into a sauce based on the bolognaise from the lasagne recipe but with more and bigger cuts of vegies. I then used the bechmel sauce from the lasagne recipe to top the pasta bake and sprinkled some bread crumbs on top as well as drizzling some seasame oil on top (olive would be great too).

I baked until the top was browned (about 1/2 hour at 180C).

1 comment:

Bev's Place said...

Congratulations on the new baby!!!

I hope you and your family are surviving the heat.

When I first became a vegan in November last year, your blog was one of the first vegan food blog I found and it is totally inspiring...So thank you for spending so much time on it and encouraging others.
